Children's Ministry
Our desire is to create spiritually memorable moments in the lives of children that will help them and their families know and experience the love of God and His purpose for their lives. The safety of children is important to us which is why all children’s ministry workers at Fort Trial submit to a background check.
Bible Study Groups - Sundays, 9:45am - 10:45am
During this hour, we provide classes for all age groups – birth through 5th grade. Class time is spent learning Bible stories, memorizing Scripture, and discovering ways to connect the Bible to everyday life.
CHILDREN'S WORSHIP - Sundays - 11am - 12pm (dURING wORSHIP)
During Children’s Worship children participate in music, skits, object lessons, and Bible stories designed to meet them on their level. Children’s Worship happens every Sunday, except on 5th Sundays, where we encourage families to worship together. Children are dismissed from the Sanctuary to Children Worship during the 11am Worship Service.
**Parents must sign their kids in to attend Children’s Worship before Worship in the Sanctuary lobby.
Wednesday Fun Nights - wednesdays - 6pm - 7:30pm
Wednesday Fun Nights offer children the opportunity to connect to one another in a way that’s meaningful to them - through fun and games. Each week, we offer a different activity such as basketball, kickball, dodgeball, soccer, wiffleball, and more. Occasionally we will offer special Fun Nights such as paint nights, lego nights, etc. In the middle of each Fun Night, we gather children together for a devotion and prayer.