Serve Tour Mission Trip - Virginia Beach
to Mar 29

Serve Tour Mission Trip - Virginia Beach

  • Fort Trial Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

March 28-29, 2025, volunteers just like you will care for hurting communities in Virginia Beach, Virginia, by serving local churches, bivocational pastors, low-income schools and other organizations in need of assistance. Projects may include light construction, painting, landscaping and hosting sports camps or block parties.

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Grill Walk
3:30 PM15:30

Grill Walk

A Grill Walk is where we take a grill attached to the tailgate of a truck into a neighborhood, walk house to house, and give away free burgers. While people wait on their food, we get to talk to them about Jesus. This is a great event for families to do ministry together! Times and location will be set as we get closer to the date.

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Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series

We’d all like to think we’re nothing like Judas the betrayer, who traded Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. But an honest look at our hearts reveals that we all have things we trade for Christ every day. Whether it’s comfort, power, control, or some other idol, we all make our exchanges. As we approach Easter, this series invites us to repent and treasure Christ above every idol and temptation.

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Women's Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Bible Study

Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted?

Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.

In a world where so many things feel alarming, this study will give you a peace that isn't dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances, and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a future you can authentically look forward to.

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Secret Church 2025
to Apr 12

Secret Church 2025

  • Fort Trial Baptist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Secret Church is an intensive 6 hour Bible Study webcast led by Pastor David Platt. This year, Secret Church will walk through the Gospel of Matthew. Each participant will receive a Bible Study guide and plenty of snacks and caffeine to keep us awake.

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Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series

We’d all like to think we’re nothing like Judas the betrayer, who traded Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. But an honest look at our hearts reveals that we all have things we trade for Christ every day. Whether it’s comfort, power, control, or some other idol, we all make our exchanges. As we approach Easter, this series invites us to repent and treasure Christ above every idol and temptation.

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Women's Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Bible Study

Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted?

Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.

In a world where so many things feel alarming, this study will give you a peace that isn't dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances, and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a future you can authentically look forward to.

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Family Easter Celebration
10:00 AM10:00

Family Easter Celebration

Join us as we celebrate the most significant event in the history of mankind - the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There will be activities for all elementary aged children such as egg hunts, games, crafts, Bible stories, prizes and more. There will also be a free lunch for everyone.

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Women's Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Bible Study

Trust is the oxygen of all human relationships. But it's also what trips you up after you've been burned. Maybe a friend constantly lets you down. A leader or organization you respect turns out to be different than they portray themselves to be. A spouse cheats on you. A family member betrays you. You're exhausted by other people's choices and starting to question your own discernment. And you're wondering, If God let this happen, can he even be trusted?

Lysa TerKeurst says it's not simply about finding better people to walk with. It's about developing the stability you long for within yourself and with God, so you don't become cynical and carry a broken belief system into every new relationship.

In a world where so many things feel alarming, this study will give you a peace that isn't dependent on unpredictable people, circumstances, and experiences. Instead, it offers practical and biblical ways to make real progress toward healthier perspectives, relationships, and a future you can authentically look forward to.

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Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series

We’d all like to think we’re nothing like Judas the betrayer, who traded Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. But an honest look at our hearts reveals that we all have things we trade for Christ every day. Whether it’s comfort, power, control, or some other idol, we all make our exchanges. As we approach Easter, this series invites us to repent and treasure Christ above every idol and temptation.

This Sunday will also be our Kickoff to a brand new Youth Bible Study for middle and high school students that will meet during 11am Worship. Students will be dismissed to Bible Study during Worship.

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Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Thirty Pieces of Silver sermon series

We’d all like to think we’re nothing like Judas the betrayer, who traded Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. But an honest look at our hearts reveals that we all have things we trade for Christ every day. Whether it’s comfort, power, control, or some other idol, we all make our exchanges. As we approach Easter, this series invites us to repent and treasure Christ above every idol and temptation.

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Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series

Throughout Jesus’ three year earthly ministry, He said some pretty tough things. In this series, we’re going to tackle some of those tough sayings to explore what Jesus intended by those sayings. This Sunday, we’ll conclude this series by think about what Jesus said about greatness.

This Sunday will also be our Ingathering for Annie Armstrong North American Missions offering. Our goal this year is $8,000.

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Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series

Throughout Jesus’ three year earthly ministry, He said some pretty tough things. In this series, we’re going to tackle some of those tough sayings to explore what Jesus intended by those sayings. This Sunday, we’ll discuss John 15, where Jesus said that apart from Him, we can do nothing. Can we literally do “nothing” apart from Jesus?

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Open Gym Night
6:00 PM18:00

Open Gym Night

Open Gym Night is for kids and youth. Each night involves a different activity with a devotion given in the middle. This is a great event for kids to be kids and for parents to relax and connect with other parents.

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Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series

Throughout Jesus’ three year earthly ministry, He said some pretty tough things. In this series, we’re going to tackle some of those tough sayings to explore what Jesus intended by those sayings. This Sunday, we’ll consider what Jesus meant when He told someone to “Sell everything you have, and come follow Me.” Does Jesus really expect us to sell everything we have to follow Him?

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Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series
11:00 AM11:00

Tough Sayings of Jesus sermon series

Throughout Jesus’ three year earthly ministry, He said some pretty tough things. In this series, we’re going to tackle some of those tough sayings to explore what Jesus intended by those sayings. This Sunday, we’ll explore an occasion where someone wanted to follow Jesus, but asked Jesus to first let them go bury their father. Jesus responded, “Let the dead bury their own dead.”

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